本公司是**生产销售汽车香水及其他汽车装饰品,品种多价格便宜. 公司宗旨:诚实守信,较大努力满足客户的需要. 原则: 做人 做事 做生意 This company is the specialized production sale automobile perfume place and the steering wheel set and other automobile ornament, the variety multi-prices is cheap. Corporation objective: The honest code of honor, tries hard to satisfy the customer most greatly the need. principle: The personhood works does business 加工方式 : 来样加工;OEM加工;来图加工; 工艺 : 其他汽摩加工工艺; **名称 : KINGNUO/WINE/AUTOWINNER 质量控制 : 内部